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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Tickets NOW available Two performances of 'Simply The Nativity' on Tuesday 10th Dec. at 7pm & Thursday 12th Dec. at 10am. Tickets are available NOW on ParentPay for both performances or through the school office (if not a school parent). [Open Image]
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News - Bawn Bunnies

2015/2016 School Year

3rd Mar 2016
All the pupils from P1-P7 came to school having made a mask to represent their favourite...
14th Feb 2016
February Newsletter   Dear Parents/ Carers, It’s hard to believe...
18th Dec 2015
This morning an excited Assembly was held to draw winners of our Christmas Hampers,...
22nd Oct 2015
We had a wonderful harvest service this morning involving the Bawn Bunnies Playgroup,...
7th Oct 2015
On a Wednesday afternoon over the past weeks art club has been meeting after school....
5th Oct 2015
We had our monthly awards for September in assembly on Friday. Our children have...

2014/2015 School Year

30th Jun 2015
All the news and events that have been happening this last term in school.
30th Jun 2015
All the news and events that have been happening this last term in school.