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Primary 1 Open Afternoon at Hamiltonsbawn Primary School
What a terrific afternoon we had in school as we welcomed prospective P1 and Bawn Bunnies parents and their children. A lovely atmosphere saw children engage and play with fellow peers and school staff, whilst parents were able to enjoy a cuppa and presentation by Principal Mr. Hutchinson. Congratulations to our P7 pupils who met, greeted and showed our visitors around school. Some also provided recounts of their memories from P1 and these were very well received by the audience.
Finally a big thank you to extra curricular coaches Christine from CR Coaching and brothers Sam and Luke from SportsCity who involved children in sporting activities in the sports hall. This proved great fun and all should sleep soundly tonight.
Thank you to everyone who helped organise and support this afternoon. Another great school event to start 2025!
HHamiltonsbawn Primary School, 113 Annareagh Road, Hamiltonsbawn, BT61 9SA | T: 028 3887 0628 | E: dhutchinson705@c2kni.net