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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Tickets NOW available Two performances of 'Simply The Nativity' on Tuesday 10th Dec. at 7pm & Thursday 12th Dec. at 10am. Tickets are available NOW on ParentPay for both performances or through the school office (if not a school parent). [Open Image]
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P6/7 Poetry Day

8th Oct 2019

P6/7 had a wonderful day exploring poetry at the Navan centre with resident poet Maura Johnston. Here we investigated the art of creating poetry with the use of smilies, methophors and our descriptive language, encouraging the children to 'think out of the box'. P6/7 will be creating their own poems which will be entered into the Navan Centre Peotry competition at the end of this month.

Our theme for the day was 'Trust'. Here we had an exciting insight into the life of a WW1 Solider and a Brahan Law Speaker. We learnt the importance of truth, honour and the severe consequences of being caught in a dishonourable offence.