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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Tickets NOW available Two performances of 'Simply The Nativity' on Tuesday 10th Dec. at 7pm & Thursday 12th Dec. at 10am. Tickets are available NOW on ParentPay for both performances or through the school office (if not a school parent). [Open Image]
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P4/5 Topic ‘Birds and Flight’ in Full Flow

21st Mar 2019

The pupils in P4/5 have been really enjoying learning about local species of birds and their characteristics. They have studied migration, painted birds, created fact files, written reports, created birds of prey powerpoints and today they made bird feeders to hang outside. Next they created tables to record birds viewed through binoculars coming to feed. They will record their results in a tally chart over the coming days. Such excitement as we welcome Ian Patterson and his birds of prey to school in a few weeks.