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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Check our the great photos from our P1 Open Afternoon in the Latest News section of our website…a great time was had by all 😊🤩 [Open Image]
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Open Evening Success

9th Dec 2022

What a great evening we had welcoming new families both to Hamiltonsbawn PS and the Bawn Bunnies Playgroup.  P1-P4 opened our evening with some musical items from their upcoming Nativity next week. This was followed with piano and brass pieces played by pupils. Visitors enjoyed refreshments, craft stalls and viewing hampers/fireside quizzes. Children spent time in P1 and Bawn Bunnies playgroup while parents attended the Principal’s address. Throughout the evening, many parents and children enjoyed visiting Santa in his grotto. 

Thank-you to all who helped organize the evening and to everyone who took time to come and visit us.  We look forward to seeing you soon.