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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Check our the great photos from our P1 Open Afternoon in the Latest News section of our website…a great time was had by all 😊🤩 [Open Image]
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Monthly Awards presented by Clive in Assembly

26th Feb 2023

We were delighted to welcome Clive back to take our whole school assembly on Friday morning. He also presented all of our monthly award winners with prizes.  These were voted for by staff for children displaying - kindness, helping others, good manners and respect. Winning House for term 1, Ballynewry was also presented with a prize. Well done boys and girls!

We also would like to wish classroom assistant Charlene our very best wishes as she moves into a career in dentistry.  She has been a fantastic friend,  colleague and asset to our school, especially helping out in many roles during the covid pandemic.  She will be greatly missed.  We welcome Joanna who started with us on Thursday. 

Finally, a warm welcome also to Stranmillis College students Clare and Ellie. They have settled into life in school really well and are getting on great.