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Hamiltonsbawn Primary School, Hamiltonsbawn

Golf, Van Gogh and Scottish Dancing!!

15th Jan 2025
Today P6/7 enjoyed a change to their timetable with a taster session led by Eimear (Sports Development Officer for golf). We could definitely be looking at the next Rory McIlroy in Hamiltonsbawn! 👌🎉. We plan to hold a 5 week golf coaching programme later in 2025 and will receive fantastic resources for school use going forwards.

We also enjoyed learning about the styles and techniques of Vincent Van Gogh and how he created the Starry Night painting in oils. Pupils couldn’t wait to get started creating their own versions of the masterpiece and I have to say quite a few masterpieces were created within school today ❤️🖼️

P1 to P4 began a 6 week programme of Scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 dancing today and thoroughly enjoyed themselves this afternoon.  P5 to P7 can look forward to this too for a further 6 weeks afterwards.