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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Tickets NOW available Two performances of 'Simply The Nativity' on Tuesday 10th Dec. at 7pm & Thursday 12th Dec. at 10am. Tickets are available NOW on ParentPay for both performances or through the school office (if not a school parent). [Open Image]
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Feeling Sporty in P2

1st May 2018

The P2 children have been very active this week. We had our last session with Aaron and we are all very sad to see him leave as we really enjoyed all the fun activities. Congratulations to our last high five winner. We hope to see Aaron in September. Christine was also back this week and we have some very talented P2 children which is making Mrs Megaw very happy for the future. Well done to our two players of the week. We also had our first session with the RISE team who are working with us on our handwriting skills. What a start to the week!