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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Tickets NOW available Two performances of 'Simply The Nativity' on Tuesday 10th Dec. at 7pm & Thursday 12th Dec. at 10am. Tickets are available NOW on ParentPay for both performances or through the school office (if not a school parent). [Open Image]
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Annual Harvest Service and Apple Produce Sale

20th Oct 2024
Many thanks to everybody who donated items to our School Council Apple Produce Sale and Craigavon Foodbank.  Also thanks to all of our staff who planned and organized our service and to the pupils who participated in our Harvest Service on Thursday.  It was a privilege to have parents and grandparents representing our P3 pupils who led the Service and to be joined by the Bawn Bunnies playgroup and Emma from the Craigavon Foodbank. Rev. Sam Finlay closed our service with prayer.