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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2022/2023 School Year

22nd May 2023
Today we had a fantastic morning with the team from 'Made For More', Belfast. ...
19th May 2023
A huge congratulations to Hamiltonsbawn PS Football Team ⚽️  who went undefeated...
15th May 2023
We have really enjoyed learning about bees in P2/3 as part of our Spring topic....
15th May 2023
We have all been enjoying our hockey sessions with Christine each Tuesday. Everyone...
15th May 2023
The girls and mixed hockey teams went to a tournament in Armagh, which was run by...
5th May 2023
All the pupils and staff enjoyed a treat from McMoo’s Ice-Cream van this afternoon...
4th May 2023
A huge thank you to our Parent’s Group for organising a luxury Coronation...